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The first DECLARATION OF PEACE demonstration and Public Signing - July 3, 2006

During Memorial Day '06 weekend, the DECLARATION OF PEACE was announced with hundreds of thousands of e-mails nationwide.  On July 3rd, Independence Day eve, the Brandywine Peace Community held the first DECLARATION OF PEACE [DoP}demonstration and Public Signing of the DoP Pledge in front of the Phila. Federal Building, around the corner from the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall where another declaration was signed 230 years ago.  "Its time for another Declaration" was the theme of the launch demonstration.  We've mourned and remembered, vigiled and protested.  We've resisted the war.  Now, we would declare - including all the themes of mourning, remembrance, protest, and resistance - a multi-layered campaign and organizing model. 

The DoP demonstration at the Phila. Federal Building was preceded by a spirited parade that began in front of historic Christ Church.  The
parade, organized and led by Marching Bands for Peace with material assistance from Spiral Q Puppet Theatre,  was loud, spirited, visual, and
applauded as it moved through thousands of tourists in the area for the July 4th celebrations.  Puppets, a colonial "fife and drum" unit, and bag
pipes, made it something special, animating the demonstration's declaration and inviting people, with a multi-colored handout and huge
banners, to come forth and sign the DoP pledge. 

By the time the parade arrived at the Federal Building, about 150 people were poised to declare peace.  A bag pipe solo remembering all the war
dead led into some songs by Tom Mullian including his new DoP anthem, "We Declare Peace" (see lyrics below).  Speakers and Poetry followed: Michael Berg, anti-war activist, father of Nicholas Berg, brutally murdered in Iraq; Tamara James, Acting Executive Director of Women's International League for Peace & Freedom [WILPF], U.S. Section; Mary Lord, Assistant General Secretary for Peace & Conflict Resolution of American Friends Service Committee [AFSC]; Sarah Mullen, Assoc. Director of PA American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]; Jeff Garis of PA Action; and Ellen Mason, member of Voices of a Different Dream poetry performing ensemble.  A Litany of Declaration accompanied the signing of the DoP Pledge.  A bell tolled as the name of an Iraqi or Pennsylvanian killed in Iraq was read and then the names of the U.S. House of Representatives Pennsylvania Delegation as well as PA Senators Santorum and Specter were read to the chant of "PLEDGE NOW TO END THE WAR!". 

The demonstration concluded with announcements of DoP plans for the area. A Congressional Focus Committee and a Action Strategy Committee has been formed.  There will be visits to area congresspeople urging them to sign onto the DECLARATION OF PEACE Congressional Pledge to establish an end the war, comprehensive plan for Iraq withdrawal by September 21, International Peace Day.  The Action Strategy Committee task is to develop demonstrations to both demonstrate the DECLARATION OF PEACE before September 21and, should Congress fail to establish a peace plan, to develop plans for local action, including civil disobedience, in the Philadelphia area. People are needed for both of these committees.  Your participation is needed. 

The Declaration of Peace Phila. Campaign, organized by the Brandywine Peace Community, has been endorsed as of July 3rd by: Catholic Peace Fellowship; Delaware County Pledge of Resistance; Delaware County Wage Peace & Justice; Delaware Valley Peace Action; Kensington Welfare Rights Union [KWRU];  Northwest Greens; Northwest Peace & Justice Movement; Phila. Buddhist Peace Fellowship;PRAWN; Shalom Center; SOA Watch - NE; Voices of a Different Dream; and Women's International League for Peace &
Freedom [WILPF].

DECLARATION OF PEACE Phila. Campaign Materials, including a muli-colored poster, a half-sheet handout, as well as the DoP Pledge and description are available for your faith community, community organization, household, and neighborhood.  Call the Brandywine Peace Community at 610-544-1818. 



